Saturday, August 10, 2024

MC73 - Pachyderm'd

The stairs complain one after another as the polished brown shoes ascend. On the fourth landing, the courier turns, his leather apron lifting slightly as he scans the numbers above the doors. With the back of his hand, he tips his cap back and sighs, out of breath from the climb.

Spotting his target, the courier strides over to the door sporting ‘2099’ on its sign. With three loud raps, he signals the tenant, then straightens his bowtie.

As the door creaks open, a warm light spills into the humble, one-room studio apartment, stirring the dusty air. Rolling chalkboards, worn smooth by years of use, encircle a weathered desk, their surfaces etched with the ghosts of forgotten equations. Towering stacks of ancient tomes threaten to topple, their leather bindings cracked and worn, while an assortment of curious artifacts teeter precariously on shelves and side tables.

But it's the apartment's occupant who commands attention. The tenant regards the courier with an air of expectant curiosity. His attire is a testament to his scholarly pursuits: a faded gray tweed suit, worn and frayed, adorned with a brass pocket watch chain. Eraser crumbs cling to his jacket, while chalk dust coats his unusually large… hands?

A pencil nestles behind his ear, a habitual perch, drawing attention to the remarkable features that set him apart: sweeping tusks, polished to a warm sheen, and a majestic trunk, curling and uncurling with a life of its own. Perched at the root of this prodigious proboscis, a set of gold-rimmed spectacles through which the mastodon peers wearily.


Before the courier can utter a reaction, the trunk of the mammoth scholar reaches out and retrieves the sealed cardboard envelope the courier was holding up to chest height. Reflexively, the stunned courier’s hand rises, palm up.

With a resigned huff, the elephant digs into his pocket and produces a few coins, plunking them into the gloved hand absently gesturing in his direction. With the exchange complete, the courier departs in a daze, leaving the elephant to close the door and shuffle over to his cluttered desk.

Removing his spectacles, the academic rubs the bridge of the nose and allows himself another sigh before examining the address.

‘The Elephant in the Room’

He snorts, which you can imagine is a significant expression for someone of his genus. As if he hadn’t heard that cleverness a dozen times or more. Prying open the seal, a curled sheaf of hand-calligraphed parchment falls out and settles onto his blotter.

My esteemed colleague,

Since my return, and especially given my machinations so far, I've been reflecting on the remarkable journey of Larry Tact in UGWC. He's undoubtedly a workhorse, boasting an impressive resume with not one, but two stints as Conquest Champion. This feat has earned him arguably the most demanding schedule of any champion in the company. Moreover, the Tactful One has aggressively pursued every tournament opportunity and made a meaningful impact in each competition.

In the Global Challenge, Larry Tact fought valiantly, reaching the final before succumbing to my beloved partner, The Raven's, formidable prowess. Although he fell short, Larry stands out as one of the few Global Challenge competitors still thriving in UGWC today.

His Conquest Championship triumph elevated him to an elite class of Entertainment Professionals. Though he didn't capitalize on his subsequent opportunity, completing the Conquest is a rare achievement. However, Trent Steel's meddling had begun to overshadow Larry's rising star.

As ambition took hold, Larry persevered in the face of Steel's lingering influence. He earned another shot at Alan Wallace's World Championship, but again fell short. Was the usually unflappable tactician unsettled by Steel's insidious presence? Imagine the turmoil: possessing immense potential, yet struggling to realize it.

The subsequent weeks unfold with predictable routine: tournaments, near misses, and unfulfilled potential. Larry Tact consistently reaches the cusp of prestige, only to falter at the final hurdle. Three opportunities to dethrone Alan Wallace have slipped through his grasp.

Fortunately, my timely return to UGWC proves a turning point. I had a score to settle with Trent Steel, whose toxic influence had become an all-consuming obsession. With Steel neutralized, Larry is finally unshackled, free to pursue greatness unencumbered.

Emboldened, Larry recaptures the Conquest Championship, only to be halted by newcomer Sean Parker, fresh from his District Conquest victory. Despite Steel's removal, Larry's progress is stalled, hinting at a lingering deficiency – a crucial element still missing from his arsenal.

He recognizes the need to evolve, displaying his capacity for growth and tactical thinking. He confronts his mistakes, including underestimating opponents like Lord Raab and Ezra Wolf, and acknowledges feelings of stagnation…

Diligent reader, I know your true identity - the elephant in Larry Tact's room, the embodiment of the attribute he lacks. By defeating Trent Steel, I've liberated Larry from your suffocating grip. My victory lifted the weight of Steel's presence, exposing the deficiency that held him back. I've given him the tools to shatter the mental and strategic shackles. Though he hasn’t yet capitalized on this gift, I consider it a debt owed.

Now, I'm calling in that debt. By removing Steel, I paved the way for his growth. I must acknowledge his strategic brilliance and adaptability, which have propelled him to the cusp of greatness, mere inches from the pinnacle. I draw parallels with my own encounter with Sebastian Everett-Bryce in a grueling Battleground final a few years back. Though I fell short, I felt pride, not shame. Let me be crystal clear: I hold your performance in the highest esteem.

Diligent reader, I'll help Larry bridge the final 1% gap to greatness. Together, we'll fuel his ascent, but my guidance comes with a price. As I settle his existing debt, I'll impart further assistance, targeting the crucial element holding him back: his untested tactical mind.

Enter the Mothman, Larry’s tutor in unpredictability. While not the most unbeatable opponent, I'm the most mercurial. Larry's strategic prowess will face its ultimate test in our Chaos Rules match at Synergy.

Win or lose, this lesson will push his tactical mind to its limits, forging innovative stratagems and defenses. Through our sustained campaign, he'll shatter his operating framework's boundaries, poised to achieve career-defining, history-making accolades that have eluded him until now.

When Larry reaches his pinnacle, I'll remind him of the new debt he now owes - unlocking his full potential, courtesy of my mentorship. This match is designed to propel him forward, while I collect my prior due and set the stage for our next encounter.

Do you wonder how I differ from Trent Steel? Am I a hindrance or a catalyst?

Unlike Trent, who sought to destroy Larry, I aim to unleash his true potential, empowering him to surpass his limitations. I want Larry at his strongest, most prestigious, and most powerful.

It's my role to guide him to greatness and ultimately become the final challenge he must overcome to solidify his reign. Unlike Trent's destructive intentions, I'll be a patient, calculating force, awaiting Larry's ascension before collecting the debt he'll owe me.

But wait, diligent reader, the letter isn't over yet!

You might assume I've arrived at these insights without self-reflection, but you'd be mistaken. I've indeed examined my own 'elephant in the room' – the Brat out of Hell, the Scorpion Queen, my beloved Ragdoll.

Her underwhelming performance in the Global Challenge, where Larry Tact began his remarkable run, was alarming. It seemed almost... impersonal, as if simulacra had taken her place.

The whispers have already begun: 'Why didn't Jaclyn Pierrot return with Montague Cervntes?'

Last I knew, she was exploring the Aether, witnessing wonders beyond our spheres. Attack ships ablaze off Orion's shoulder, C-beams glittering near the Tannhäuser Gate... Moments lost in time, like tears in rain…

Forgive my tangent, I'm in awe of Ragdoll's celestial pursuits, envying her freedom. Yet, my terrestrial ambitions remain unwavering, inspired by her example. I strive to make this world worthy of her attention once again.

Recently, the Red-Eyed Warrior recognized my guiding light, grasping calamity's reins. This week, my benevolent influence grants another boon, as Larry Tact takes the stage.

Remarkably yours,

Montague Cervantes

The Showman, The Mothman, The Doctor-Professor
